Dr. Gary Gloake 洛克.加里博士

Gary,男,1963年生,爱丁堡大学生物科学学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向为植物干细胞、植物与微生物互相作用的分子调控机制、遗传与基因组学等方面的研究,Gary教授为英国农工商委员会成员,苏格兰工业生物技术创新中心(IBIC)联合创始人,爱丁堡工业生物技术中心主任,担任多个国际学术期刊编委,在Nature、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Communication 、Cell、Plant Cell、Plant Cell and Environment 和PNAS 等期刊上发表高水平论文30余篇。2020年1月受聘于永利国际-永利app-永利官网
1986 BScBristol UWE
1990Ph.D. Durham University
1996 Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
2004Reader, University of Edinburgh
2007Professor, University of Edinburgh
1990-1993 Salk/Noble Plant Biology Fellow
1990-1991 Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation,
Plant Biology Division,
Ardmore, Oklahoma, USA.
Supervisor: Richard A. Dixon, Natl. Acad. Sciences
Director, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation.
1991-1993 Plant Biology Laboratory,
The Salk Institute for Biological Studies,
La Jolla, California, USA.
Supervisor: Professor Chris Lamb CBE FRS.
Former Director, John Innes Centre.
1994-1995 Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
The Plant Laboratory, University of York.
Supervisor: Professor Dianna J. Bowles OBE.
Former Director, Centre for Novel Agricultural Products.
1996 Lecturer in Molecular Plant: Microbe Interactions
Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology,
University of Edinburgh.
2004 Reader in Molecular Plant: Microbe Interactions
Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences,
University of Edinburgh.
2007Personal Chair
Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, University of Edinburgh
1996-1997Plant Defence Signalling. The Royal Society£10,000.
1996-1997Lipid Based Defence Signalling. The Nuffield Foundation £5,000.
1996Gatsby Summer Studentship Grant£1,000.
1996-1999Isolation of Arabidopsis Mutants Compromised in Systemic Acquired Resistance by Luciferase and Green Fluorescent Protein Imaging. BBSRC£140,000.
1996Gatsby Summer Studentship Grant£1,000.
1999- 2001Isolation of Arabidopsis mutants compromised in the oxidative burst and cognate redox signalling. Leverhulme Trust £80,000.
1999-2002Isolation of car1: A gene conveying broad spectrum disease resistance.
BBSRC £170,000
2000-2002A novel strategy to engineer fungal resistance into tomato fruit (Berger and Loake). British Council UK/SA Fund. £60,000.
2000-2002 Signal transduction in early stages of recognition between tomato root systems and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Arlotte, Harrier and Loake). SOFAED £80,000
2001-2002NATO Fellowship to Sholpan Davletova. £40,000
1999-2002 Isolation of Arabidopsis genes conveying broad spectrum disease resistance. Akkadix Inc. £3,000,000
2000 Provision of activation tagged lines in a designer genetic background. Zeneca Inc. £15,000
2000Visiting Scholarship of M. Sanderson. University of Cape Town Trust. £2,500.
2000Establishment of the Edinburgh Molecular Plant Science Centre (EMPSC). Trewavas A., Fry, S., Smith, S., Cronk, Q., Hudson, A., Loake, G.J., Goodrich, J., Doerner, P., Read, N. Wellcome Trust£4,396,268.
2001Measuring NO during the establishment of plant disease resistance using a photoacoustic laser based gas detector. Travel, subsistence and comsumable expenses for multiple visits. EU LINK Programme in conjunction with the Department of laser physics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
2001 Genetic Dissection of Defence-related Signalling Pathways via Gain-of-Function Genetics. BBSRC £280,000.
2003Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Non-Host Disease Resistance.
BBSRC £300,000
2004 Characterization of a novel rapid defence response in Arabidopsis elicited by a compatible plant pathogen. (Joint with J. Milner, Glasgow). BBSRC £277, 062
2006 Uncovering S-nitrosothiol function in plant disease resistance
BBSRC £328, 136
2006 Doctoral Training Account Cell & Molecular Biology
BBSRC £1,951,992
2008 Control of AtSABP3 function by S-nitrosylation
NNSFC £50,000
2008 Isolation of regulatory proteins controlling natural product biosynthesis.
Unhwa Biotechnology £44,400
2008 Control of natural product biosynthesis
ITEP £153,000
2008 Wain Fellowship to Reza Shafiei for collaboration with IGDB, Beijing.
BBSRC £63,200
2008 S-nitrosothiol function in plant disease resistance.
Chinese Academy of Sciences & Royal Society of Edinburgh £20,000
2008 Doctoral Training Account Cell & Molecular Biology
BBSRC £2,451,432
2009 The role of an AS1 co-suppressor in plant defence
BBSRC £456, 084 (with Andrew Hudson)
2009 Regulation of natural product biosynthesis
Unhwa £41,000
2010 Charting S-nitrosothiol function in plant disease resistance
BBSRC £506,836
2010 Uncovering transcriptional networks in paclitaxel biosynthesis
Unhwa £80,000
2011 Production of plant natural products (research consortium)
Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), Republic of Korea
2011 Uncovering transcriptional networks in natural product biosynthesis
Unhwa £1, 000,000
2013 Therapeutic protein production in plant stem cell cultures
Unhwa £857,000
2014 Establishment of a Scottish Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC).
£14M Scottish Funding Council.
2014 UK-Korea Science Networking. British Embassy and British Council
2014 A synthetic metabolon for 6-APA synthesis.IBioIC £280,000.
2014 Characterisation of negative regulators of paclitaxel biosynthesis.
NIIB High Value Products From Plants. £45,756.
2015 Production of a high value chemical from plant cells. NIIB High Value Products From Plants. £50,000.
2016 Production of two high value chemicals from plant cells. Unilever Plc. £150,000.
Lee, E.K., Jin, Joong, Y.-W., Park, H., Yoo, Y.M., Hong, S.M., Amir, R., Yan, Z., Kwon, E., Elfick, A., Tomlinson, S., Halbritter, F., Waibel, T., Yun, B.-W. and Loake, G.J. (2010). Plant cambial meristematic cells as a source for natural products. Nature Biotechnology 28, 1213-1217.
Yun, B-W., Feechan, A., Yin, M., Saidi, N. B.B., Yu, M., Le Bihan, T. Kang, J.-G., Kwon, E., Spoel, S., Pallas, J.A. and Loake, G.J. (2011). S-nitrosylation of NADPH oxidase regulates cell death in plant immunity. Nature 478, 264-268.
Aihong, L., Wang, Y., Tang, J., Xue, Peng, Li, C., Liu, L., Hu, B., Yang, F., Loake, G.J. and Chu, C. (2012). Nitric oxide and protein S-nitrosylation are integral to hydrogen peroxide-induced leaf cell death in rice. Plant Physiology 158, 451-464.
Kwon E., Feechan, A., Yun, B-W., Hwang, B-H., Pallas, J.A., Kang, J-G. and Loake, G.J. (2012). AtGSNOR1 function is required for multiple developmental programs in Arabidopsis. Planta 236, 887-900.
Love, A.J., Chiara, G., Laird, J., Carr, C.,Yun, B.-W., Loake, G.J., Tada, Y., Sadanandom, A. and Milner, J.J. (2012). Cauliflower mosaic virus protein P6 inhibits signaling responses to salicylic acid and regulates innate immunity. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47535. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047535
Ubaidillah, M., Kim, K.-A., Kim, Y.H., Lee, I.J., Yun, B-W., Kim, D.H., Loake, G.J. and Kim, K.M. (2013). Identification of a drought-induced rice gene, OsSAP that suppresses Bax-induced cell death in yeast. Mol. Biol. Rep. 40, 6113-6121. DOI 10.1007/s11033-013-2723-z.
Kneeshaw, S., Gelineau, S., Tada, Y., Loake G.J., and Spoel, S.H. (2014). SelectiveProtein Denitrosylase Activity of Thioredoxin-h5 Modulates Plant Immunity. Mol. Cell 56, 153–162.
Frungillo L., Skelly, M.J., Loake, G.J., Spoel, S.H. and Salgado, I. (2014). Nitric oxide generation and scavenging are coupled to nitrogen metabolism in plants. Nature Comm. 5, 5401. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6401.
Kong, X., Chuntao Wang, C., Ma, L., Zhao, J., Wei1, J., Zhang, X., Loake, G.J., Zhang, T., Huang, J., Yang, Hu, X. (2015). Proteasome-mediated degradation of FRIGIDA modulates flowering time in Arabidopsis during vernalization. Plant Cell 26: 4763-4781.
Pan, Q., Cui, B., Deng, F., Quan, J., Loake, G.J., Shan, W. (2015). RTP1 encodes a novel endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized protein in Arabidopsis and negatively regulates resistance against biotrophic pathogens. New Phytologist 209, 1641-54.
11.Yun, B.-W., Skelly, M.J., Yin M., Yu, M., Mun, B.-G., Lee, S.-U., Hussain, A., Spoel, S.H. and Loake, G.J. (2016).Nitric oxide and S-nitrosoglutathione function additively in plant immunity. New Phytologist