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永利国际 师生参加欧洲地学联盟2023年年会
发布时间:2023-05-05   浏览次数:
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2023423-28日,欧洲地学联盟( European Geosciences Union ,简称EGU) 年会奥地利维也纳召开。永利国际 秦凯教授、Jason Cohen教授、时洪涛讲师、博士生何秦、博士生蒋兴兴、博士生刘哲文、博士生陆凌霄、硕士生胡玮参加了本次会议。本届年会是近年来规模最大、人数最多的一次地学盛会。它涵盖地球科学的多个分支方向,18831名注册会者,其中来自107个国家15453名线下参会者

会议期间,秦凯教授在Satellite observations of tropospheric composition and pollution, analyses with models and applications”专题张贴了题为A high spatial and temporal coverage global gridded tropospheric NO2 dataset (2007-2021) based on OMI and GOME-2”的学术海报

Jason Cohen教授在“Composition-Climate Interactions including regional aerosol impacts”专题张贴了题为Top-Down Model-Free Computed Emissions, Size, Mixing State, and Radiative Forcing of BC, CO, and NOx: Increased Emissions and Less Negative Radiative Forcing in Rural Areas Coupled with Reduced Emissions and More Variable Radiative Forcing in Urban Areas”;

时洪涛讲师在“Remote Sensing of Soil Moistur”专题作题为Soil Moisture Estimation over Crop Fields Combined with Fully Polarimetric SAR and Passive Microwave Products Data”的口头报告;

博士生何秦在“Satellite observations of tropospheric composition and pollution, analyses with models and applications”专题作题为Exploring the utility of global high-resolution NO2 columns from TROPOMI for investigating the diurnal variability and downscaling historical measurements”的口头报告;

博士生蒋兴兴和博士生刘哲文在“Remote Sensing of Clouds and Aerosols: Techniques and Applications”专题分别作题为Retrieval of aerosol single scattering albedo over land using geostationary satellite data”和“Characterizing Emissions from Energy Sources Using Aerosol Properties Over Multiple-Wavelengths”的PICO报告;

博士生陆凌霄在“Atmospheric composition variability and trends”专题作题为Computing Daily NOx Inversion over Energy Consuming and Urbanized Regions Using TROPOMI Data – A Novel Model Free Approach”的PICO报告;

博士生胡玮同学在“Quantification of anthropogenic methane sources through atmospheric measurement studies: Finding targets for mitigation worldwide”专题张贴了题为“Chinese Coal Mines Methane Emissions Constrained by High-Frequency Measurements”的学术海报


2 博士生何秦报告现场


4 博士生刘哲文报告现场

5 博士生陆凌霄报告现场

6 硕士生胡玮海报展示现场

7 参会师生合影
