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发布时间:2022-06-23   浏览次数:
报告人 Juseon Bak博士、李驰博士、朱雷博士 职称
报告时间 2022-06-25 08:00:00



         Juseon Bak 博士,韩国釜山大学,报告题目:Introduction to ozone profile retrievals from backscattered UV Sunlight

         李驰博士,华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校,报告题目:Inferring air pollution from space: abundances, sources and sinks

         朱雷博士,南方科技大学,报告题目:Satellite remote sensing of trace gases and applications for air quality studies


         6 25 日(周六)上午 8:00-11:40

         腾讯会议 116-837-775

请提前通过 //meeting.tencent.com/dw/TRXxXVzkLfrA 报名




         Jason B. Cohen,中国矿业大学教授


         Juseon Bak

Dr. Bak’s research focuses on the analysis of spectra measured by spaceborne spectrometers operating in the ultraviolet and visible to measure atmospheric composition. Her current research projects involve the calibration of spectra, wavelength, and instrumental response function, accurate/fast radiative transfer calculations, extension of algorithm physics to simulate the observed spectra, cross verification between satellite and in-situ measurements, scientific analysis for the remote sensing of trace gases and aerosols. As a result, the ozone profile algorithm she is working on is going to be implemented to reprocess OMI ozone profile product (PROFOZ) in the NASA data center and to be transferred to both GEMS and TEMPO Science Data Processing Center (SDPC). She is pioneering the implementation of Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-based fast radiative transfer calculation to the operational data processing to reduce the computational cost and the combined UV/VIS retrievals to improve the detection of the boundary layer ozone from GOME/2 and TEMPO.

         Chi Li

Dr. Li graduated from Dalhousie University, Canada in Dec 2018, with a PhD in Atmospheric Science. He is currently a postdoc at Washington University. Dr. Li is broadly interested in using various observations and modeling approaches to quantify and investigate atmospheric composition that impacts atmospheric environments. His work involves satellite retrieval of aerosols and nitrogen dioxide and interpreting remote sensing datasets with chemical transport modeling and machine learning to unveil changes, sources and sinks of aerosols and ozone, and their precursor gases. Dr. Li has received several prestigious recognitions, including the Killam Predoctoral Scholarship and William Leiper Memorial Scholarship at Dalhousie University. He was also selected to the 15th Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior (ACCESS XV).

         Lei Zhu

Dr. Lei Zhu’s research area is atmospheric chemistry, with special interests in remote sensing of trace gases, modeling of atmospheric species, and data assimilation. He has published more than 40 journal papers, with a total citation of 2100 and an h-index of 21. He is a science team member of OMI, OMPS, TEMPO, and GEMS satellites. Lei was awarded the American Meteorological Society Special Award, NASA William T. Pecora Team Award, and NASA Group Achievement Award. He received a BS from Nankai University, MS from Peking University, and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He worked as a Research Scholar at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics before joining SUSTech in 2020.