基本信息 姓名:何士龙 性别:男 出生年月:1977年2月 籍贯:河北隆化 民族:满 政治面貌:中共党员 学历:博士研究生 学位:理学博士 职称:教授 导师类别:硕/博士生导师 研究方向:环境污染物控制技术;环境微生物。 Email: [email protected]

工作经历 2021.01-至今 永利国际-永利app-永利官网
教授 2010.01-2020.12 中国矿业大学环境工程系副教授 2007.07-2009.12 中国矿业大学环境工程系讲师 1999.07-2001.09 河北恒源环保公司助理工程师
[1] He Shi-long, Yang Wan, Li Wen-ji, Zhang, Yan-long, Qin Meng, Mao Zhen. Impacts of salt shocking and the selection of a suitable reversal agent on anammox. Science of the Total Environment,692 : 602-612,2019. (SCI, JCR 1区) [2 ] He Shi-long, Chen Yi, Qin Meng, Mao Zhen, Yuan Li-mei, Niu Qi-gui, Tan Xi-cheng .Effects of temperature on anammox performance and community structure. Bioresource technology, 260: 186-195, 2018. (SCI, JCR 1区) [3] He Shi-long, Yang Wan, Qin Meng, Mao Zhen, Niu Qi-gui, Han Ming.Performance and microbial community of anammox in presence of micro-molecule carbon source. Chemosphere, 205: 545-552. (SCI, JCR 1区) [4] He Shi-long, Tan Xi-cheng, Hu Xin, Gao Ying-xin. Effect of ultrasound on oil recovery from crude oil containing sludge. Environmental Technology, 40(11) : 1401-1407,2018. (SCI, JCR 3区) [5] Yang Wan, He Shi-long, Han Ming, Wang Bing-bing, Niu Qi-gui, Xu Yu-jia, Chen Yi, Wang Hai-bo.Nitrogen removal performance and microbial community structure in the start-up and substrate inhibition stages of an anammox reactor. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 126(1): 88-95, 2018. (SCI, JCR 3区) [6] Chen Yi; He Shi-long, Zhou Meng-meng, Pan Ting-ting, Xu Yu-jia, Gao Ying-xin, Wang Heng-kang,(2018).Feasibility assessment of up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket treatment of sulfamethoxazole pharmaceutical wastewater, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,12(5) : 13,2018. (SCI, JCR 2区) [7] Du Dong-liang, Zhang Chuan-yi, Zhao Kui-xia, Sun Guang-rong, Zou Si-qi, Yuan Li-mei, He Shi-long. Effect of different carbon sources on performance of an A 2 N-MBR process and its microbial community structure. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 12(2): 1-10, 2018. (SCI, JCR 2区) [8] He Shi-long, Chen Yi, Wang Hai-bo, Yang Wan, Gao Ying-xin, Zhao Yun.Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol by Means of Fenton Oxidation Processes: Mechanism and Kinetics. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 228(8), 2017. (SCI, JCR 3区) [9] Ma Hai-yuan, Niu Qi-gui, Zhang Yan-long, He Shi-long, Li Yu-you.Substrate inhibition and concentration control in an UASB-Anammox process. Bioresource Technology, 238: 263-272, 2017. (SCI, JCR 1区) [10] He Shi-long, Zhang Yan-long, Niu Qi-gui, Ma Hai-yuan,Li Yu-you. Operation stability and recovery performance in an Anammox EGSB reactor after pH shock. Ecological Engineering, 90: 50-56, 2016. (SCI, JCR 2区) [10] Niu Qi-gui, Zhang Yan-long, Ma Hai-yuan, He Shi-long, Li Yu-you. Reactor kinetics evaluation and performance investigation of a long-term operated UASB-anammox mixed culture process. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 108: 24-33, 2016. (SCI, JCR 2区) [11] Niu Qi-gui, He Shi-long, Zhang Yan-long, Ma Hai-yuan, Liu Yuan, Li Yu-you. Process stability and the recovery control associated with inhibition factors in a UASB-anammox reactor with a long-term operation. Bioresource Technology, 203: 132-141, 2016. (SCI, JCR 1区) [12] Zhang Yan-long, He Shi-long, Niu Qi-gui, Qi Wei-kang ,Li Yu-you. Characterization of three types of inhibition and their recovery processes in an anammox UASB reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 109: 212-221, 2016. (SCI, JCR 2区) [13] Zhang Yan-long, Niu Qi-gui , Ma Hai-yuan , He Shi-long ,Kengo Kubota, ,Li Yu-you. Long-term operation performance and variation of substrate tolerance ability in an anammox attached film expanded bed (AAFEB) reactor. Bioresource Technology, 211: 31-40, 2016. (SCI, JCR 1区) [14] Niu Qi-gui, He Shi-long, Zhang Yan-long, Zhang Yu.Bio-kinetics evaluation and batch modeling of the anammox mixed culture in UASB and EGSB reactors: batch performance comparison and kinetic model assessment. Rsc Advances, 6(5):3487-3500, 2016. (SCI, JCR 2区) [15] He Shi-long,Huang Qing,Zhang Yong,Wang Li-zhang,Nie Yu-lun. Investigation on Direct and Indirect Electrochemical Oxidation of Ammonia over Ru-Ir/TiO2 Anode. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(5): 1447-1451, 2015. (SCI, JCR 2区) [16] He Shi-long,Niu Qi-gui,Ma Hai-yuan,Zhang Yan-long,Li Yu-You.The Treatment Performance and the Bacteria Preservation of Anammox: A Review. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2015, 226(5): 1-16, 2015. (SCI, JCR 3区) [17] He Shi-long,Huang Qing,Zhang Yong,Nie Yu-Lun. Evaluation of the Performance of Different Anodes in the Electrochemical Oxidation of Ammonia. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226(4) : 89,2015. (SCI, JCR 3区) [18] He Shi-long, Niu Qi-gui, Li Yu-You, Nie Yu-Lun,Hou Mei-feng. Factors associated with the diversification of the microbial communities within different natural and artificial saline environments. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 83: 476-484, 2015. (SCI, JCR 2区) [19] Qi Wei-Kang, Li Wei-cheng , Du Jing-ru, He Shi-long, Li Yu-You. Simulation and configuration correlation analysis of the self-agitation anaerobic baffled reactor for treating livestock organic waste. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 103 : 85-92, 2015. (SCI, JCR 2区) [20] Wang Li-ping, He Shi-long, Xu Jiang-cen, Li Jie, Mao Zhen. Process Performance of a Biotrickling Filter Using a Flow‐Directional‐Switching Method, Clean – Soil Air Water, 41(6) : 522-527, 2013. (SCI, JCR 3区) [21] He Shi-long, Zhang Dan-dan, Gu Li,Zhang Sheng-hua, Yu Xin. Bromate adsorption using Fe-pillared bentonite. Environmental Technology, 2012, 33(20): 2337-2344, 2012. (SCI, JCR 3区) [22] He Shi-long,Wang Li-ping, Xu Jiang-cen, Yin Ning-ning. Comparison of the purification performance and microbial community functional diversity in flow-directional-switching and unidirectional-flow biotrickling filters. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62(10): 1203-7, 2012. (SCI, JCR 3区) [23] Chen Meixue , He Shilong, Yi Qizhem, Yang Min. Effect of chloride concentration on nitrogen removal from landfill leachate in sequencing batch reactor after MAP pretreatment. Water science and technology: a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 2010, 62(7): 1574-9, 2010. (SCI, JCR 3区) [24] He Shi-long, Zhang Chang-bin, Yang Min, Zhang Yu, Xu Wen-qing, Cao Nan, He Hong. Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia from MAP decomposition. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007, 58(1): 173-178, 2007. (SCI, JCR 1区) [25] He Shilong, Zhang Yu , Yang Min. Repeated use of MAP decomposition residues for the removal of high ammonium concentration from landfill leachate[J]. Chemosphere, , 66(11):2233-2238, 2007. (SCI, JCR 1区) [26] 何士龙,刘静,陈燚,李瑞杰,朱家葆.高pH条件下UASB反应器处理含硫酸盐废水的性能.环境工程学报,15(2):501-511, 2021. [27] 谭锡诚,何士龙,黄晴.厌氧氨氧化工艺的启动及微生物群落结构分析.环境工程学报,11(05):2699-2704,2017. [28]常笑丽,何士龙,刘浩.好氧颗粒污泥快速培养的方法研究.环境工程,33(08):27-31,2015. [29] 张丹丹,于鑫,何士龙.臭氧氧化四溴双酚A过程中溴离子和溴酸盐生成的影响因素.化工进展,31(06):1368-1372,2012. [30] 侯梅锋,何士龙,李栋,张洁,赵云.连云港海底底泥及青海湖底泥细菌多样性研究.环境科学,32(09):2681-2688, 2011. [31] 赵云,高迎新,何士龙,张昱,王丽萍,杨敏.Fenton氧化对硝基苯酚过程中Fe2+/Fe3+的氧化还原机制.环境工程学报,6(07):2165-2168, 2012.
3. 赤泥基多空粒状复合材料的制备及其对磷的去除与释放机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,51602344, 2017-2019,20万。 4. 垃圾渗滤液低耗、高效组合处理技术研究,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)基金奖励项目,2503736,2013-2015,2200000日元。 5. 焦化废水厌氧产甲烷系统中抑制因子识别及调控策略研究,中国矿业大学前沿专项,2019XKQYMS78, 2019-2021,20万元。, 6. 高盐有机废水处理的GMBR技术研究,中国矿业大学青年科技基金,2014QNA31, 2014-2016,10万元。 7. 高纯化分散ANAMMOX对温度变化的响应规律及机制研究,中央高校基本科研学科前沿科学研究专项基金,2015XKMS053, 2015-2018,20万。 8. 含四溴双酚-A高盐废水的臭氧-生物联合处理技术研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,20090095120018, 2010-2012,3.6万元。 9. 河南永锦能源有限公司选煤厂洗精煤降水及生产系统检查企事业单位委托科技项目,2019100001,2019,16.5万元。 10. 煤炭清洁高效利用与有机固废协同燃烧技术研究,企事业单位委托科技项目,2019100027, 2019,21.5万元。 11. 环境污染治理技术服务, 企事业单位委托科技项目,2019100026,2019-2020,90万元。
1. 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术奖二等奖(2010,R2)。 2. 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术奖三等奖(2013,R5) 3. 江苏省优秀教学成果奖二等奖(2013,R2) 4. 《大气污染控制工程》获得江苏省精品课程(2010,R5) 5.《环境系统工程》年获江苏省高等教育精品教材(2011,主编) 6.全国煤炭行业教学成果奖二等奖(2020,R2) 7. 主编出版江苏省“十三五”重点教学《环境系统工程》,并第三届煤炭行业优秀教材(2020,主编) 8. 全国高校环境类专业本科生优秀毕业设计指导教师(2017年); 9. 中国矿业大学校优秀教学成果奖特等奖(2012,R2) 10. 中国矿业大学校优秀教学成果奖(综合类)二等奖(2018,R1) 11. 中国矿业大学第二十一届校教学竞赛获二等奖(2018) l社会、学会及学术兼职 《洁净煤技术》青年专家,Water research、Chemosphere、Bioresource technology 等期刊的审稿专家; 江苏省人民检察院民事行政诉讼监督院外专家、徐州市人民检察院公益诉讼专家辅助人江苏省科技镇长团第十批团员。