| 基本信息
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在Science、Land Degradation & Development、煤炭学报、生态学报、中国土地科学、测绘科学等国内外期刊发表学术论文150余篇,其中SCI/EI/CSSCI检索80余篇,出版学术专著7部、授权国家发明专利10余项。
| 科研与学术工作经历:
(1) 2009-06 至今,中国矿业大学,永利国际
(2) 2017-11 至2018-11,美国马里兰大学,环境科学中心访问学者
(3) 2007-10 至2009-05,美国北卡罗纳莱大学研究助理
| 科研奖励:
| 主要论文:
[1] Zhengfu Bian, Xiexing Miao, Shaogang Lei, Shen-en Chen, Wenfeng Wang, Sue Struthers, The Challenges of Reusing Mining and Mineral Processing Wastes, Science, 2012, 337, 702-703.
[2] Ma Weibo, Li Haidong, Lei Shaogang, et al. Good governance can save China’s mine ecosystems. SCIENCE,383:157-158,2024.
[3] 雷少刚、夏嘉南等. 论露天矿区近自然生态修复[J].煤炭学报,2024.3.
[4] 雷少刚,卞正富,杨永均.论引导型矿山生态修复[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(02):915-921.
[5] 雷少刚,张周爱,陈航,吴振华,宫传刚,卞正富.草原煤电基地景观生态恢复技术策略[J].煤炭学报,2019,44(12):3662-3669.
[6] 雷少刚,肖浩宇,郄晨龙卞正富,杨德军,朴春德.开采沉陷对关键土壤物理性质影响的相似模拟实验研究;煤炭学报; 2017,2,300-307.
[7] Xingcheng Yang, Lei Shaogang*, et al. Impacts of open-pit coal mining and livestock grazing on plant diversity in a steppe: From the perspective of remote sensing. Land Degradation & Development, 2023.
[8] Xingcheng Yang, Shaogang Lei*, Yibo Zhao. Use of hyperspectral imagery to detect affected vegetation and heavy metal polluted areas: a coal mining area, China.Geocarto InternationaL,2022,37:2893-2912.
[9] Lei Shaogang*, Chen Hequn, BianZhengfu. Evaluation of integrating topographic wetness index with backscattering coefficient of TerraSAR-X image for soil moisture estimation in a mountainous region; Ecological Indicators; 2016,2,624-633.
[10] Lei Shaogang*, Ren Lixing, Bian Zhengfu. Time-Space Characterization of Vegetation at the Semiarid Mining Area Using Empirical Orthogonal Function Decomposition of MODIS NDVI Time Series; Environmental earth science; 2016, 6,516-526.
[11] Lei Shaogang *, Zhengfu Bian, John Daniels. Improved spatial resolution in soil moisture retrieval at arid mining area using apparent thermal inertia;Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China; 2014,6,1866-1873.
[12] 雷少刚,卞正富.西部干旱区煤炭开采环境影响研究[J].生态学报,2014,34(11):2837-2843.
[13] 雷少刚.荒漠矿区关键环境要素的监测与采动影响规律研究[J].煤炭学报,2010,35(09):1587-1588.
[14] Lei Shaogang, Bian Zhengfu. Spatiotemporal variation of vegetation in an arid and vulnerable coal mining region, 2010. Mining Science and Technology, 2010, 20: 485–490.
[15] Lei Shaogang, Zhengfu Bian. Analysis of spatiotemporal difference of NDVI in an arid coal mining region using remote sensing, ISPRS TC VII Symposium, 2010: 112-116.
[16] 卞正富,雷少刚,金丹,王丽.矿区土地修复的几个基本问题[J].煤炭学报,2018,43(01):190-197.
[17] 蔡臻,雷少刚*,史运喜等.基于手持移动设备贴近摄影获取排土场物料粒度分布[J].采矿与安全工程学报:2022.
[18] Wei Cheng, Shaogang Lei*, Zhengfu Bian, Yibo Zhao, Yuncong Li, Yandong Gan. Geographic distribution of heavy metals and identification of their sources in soils near large, open-pit coal mines using positive matrix factorization[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019,387: 121666.
[19] Yibo Zhao, Shaogang Lei*, Xingchen Yang, et al. Study on Spectral Response and Estimation of Grassland Plants Dust Retention Based on Hyperspectral Data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2020,12(12): 2019.
[20] Ying Liu, Shaogang Lei*,Wei Cheng, Jibing Xiong, zhengfu Bian Leaf photosynthesis of three typical plant species affected by the subsidence cracks of coal mining: a case study in the semi-arid region of Western China;Photosynthetica; 2019,1,75-85.
[21] Cangjiao Wang, Shaogang Lei*, Andrew J. Elmore, Duo Jia and Shouguo Mu Integrating Temporal Evolution with Cellular Automata for Simulating Land Cover Change;Remote Sensing; 2019,3,301.
[22] 田雨,雷少刚*,卞正富.基于SBAS和混沌理论的内排土场沉降监测及预测[J].煤炭学报,2019,44(12):3865-3873.
[23] 李恒,雷少刚*,黄云鑫,程伟,邓彪,张周爱.基于自然边坡模型的草原煤矿排土场坡形重塑[J].煤炭学报,2019,44(12):3830-3838.
[24] 刘英,雷少刚*,宫传刚,卞正富.采煤沉陷裂缝区土壤含水量变化对柠条叶片叶绿素荧光的响应[J].生态学报,2019,39(09):3267-3276.
[25] 王丽,雷少刚*,卞正富,王凯,彭建,吴见.半干旱采煤塌陷不同应力区典型植物高光谱特征分析[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2019,39(01):216-222.
[26] Tian Yu, Shaogang Lei*,Zhengfu Bian, Jie lu, Shubi Zhang,Jie Fang Improving the Accuracy of Open Source Digital Elevation Models with Multi-Scale Fusion and a Slope Position-Based Linear Regression Method;Remote Sensing;2018,12,1861.
[27] Ying Liu, Shaogang Lei*, Xiaoyang Chen Assessment of heavy metal pollution and human health risk in urban soils of the coal mining city;Human and Ecological Risk Assessment; 2016,6,1359-1374.
[28] Xingcheng Yang, Shaogang Lei*, et al. Impacts of open-pit coal mining and livestock grazing on plant diversity in a steppe: From the perspective of remote sensing. Land degradation and development,2023.
[29] Yongqiao Sun a,b, Shaogang Lei*, et al. Spatial distribution prediction of soil heavy metals based on sparse sampling and multi-source environmental data. Journal of Hazardous Materials,465 (2024) 133114.
| 主要著作:
[1] 雷少刚. 西部煤矿区环境影响与生态修复.中国矿业大学出版社,2024
[2] 雷少刚. 缺水矿区关键环境要素的监测与采动影响规律.中国矿业大学出版社,2012
[3] 郭洋楠、雷少刚等.黄河流域神东煤炭基地绿色治理及生态效应.中国矿业大学出版,2024
[4] 黄继磊,雷少刚,邓喀中.基于SAR影像的矿区大量级地表形变监测方法研究. 中国矿业大学出版社.2018
[5] 王丽,雷少刚.恢复力视角下矿区植被扰动-损伤机制与修复策略[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2022
[6] 牟守国,雷少刚,侯竞等.西部重点煤矿区土地退化因素调查与评价.中国矿业大学出版社,2021
[7] 顾大钊,张建民,…,雷少刚等.晋陕蒙接壤区大型煤炭基地地下水保护利用与生态修复,科学出版社,2015
[8] 卞正富,雷少刚等.测量学.中国农业出版社,2020
[9] 刘耀林,马才学,…,雷少刚等.土地信息系统.中国农业出版社,2020