
发布时间:2021-10-12   浏览次数:

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政治面貌: 中共党员




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l  教育与学历













l  工作经历

  2018.07-至今     中国矿业大学,永利国际 ,讲师

  2018.09-2021.10   中国矿业大学,测绘科学与技术流动站,博士后

l  期刊论文

(1). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Effect of Dynamic Low DREs from Flare Combustion on Regional Ozone Pollution during A Chemical Plant Shutdown. Atmospheric Environment. 254, 118399. JCR一区, IF=4.80

(2). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Source Apportionment Simulations of Ground-level Ozone in Southeast Texas Employing OSAT/APCA in CAMx. Atmospheric Environment. 253, 118370. JCR一区, IF=4.80

(3). Ge Sijie., Xu, Y.L., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. A Win-win Strategy for Simultaneous Air-Quality Benign and Profitable Emission Reduction During Chemical Plant Shutdown Operations. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 147, 1185-1192. JCR一区, IF=6.16

(4). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2020. Effect of Industrial Flare DREs Derived by CFD and WERF on Ozone Pollution through CAMx Simulation. Atmospheric Environment. 238, 117723. JCR一区, IF=4.80

(5). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. CAMx Simulations of the Control of Anthropogenic Emissions on the Reduction of Ozone Formation in Southeast Texas of USA. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 12(7), 101114. JCR二区, IF=4.35

(6). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Zhang, J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Ozone Pollution Control Strategies Examined by Empirical Kinetics Modeling Approach over the Beaumont-Port Arthur Region in Texas of USA. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 12, 403-413. JCR二区, IF=4.35

(7). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2021. Characterization and Sensitivity Analysis on Ozone Pollution over the Beaumont-Port Arthur Area in Texas of USA through Source Apportionment Technologies. Atmospheric Research. 247, 105249. JCR一区, IF=5.37

(8). Ge Sijie., Zhang, J., Wang S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2019. New Insight of Ozone Pollution Impact from Flare Emissions of Chemical Plant Start-up Operations. Environmental Pollution. 245, 873-882. JCR一区, IF=8.03

(9). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2018. Study on Regional Air Quality Impact from A Chemical Plant Emergency Event. Chemosphere. 201, 655-666. JCR一区, IF=6.87

(10). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2018. Ozone Impact Minimization through Coordinated Scheduling of Turnaround Operations from Multiple Olefin Plants in An Ozone Nonattainment Area. Atmospheric Environment. 176, 47-53. JCR一区, IF=4.80

(11). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2017. Impact of Chemical plant start-up emissions on ambient ozone concentration. Atmospheric Environment. 164, 20-30. JCR一区, IF=4.80

(12). Ge Sijie., Wang, S.J., Xu, Q., Ho, T., 2016. Air-Quality Considered Study for Multiple Olefin Plant Startups. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55(36), 9698-9710. JCR一区, IF=3.72

(13). Ge Sijie., Feng, L., Zhang, L.Q., et al., 2017. Rejection Rate and Mechanisms of Drugs in Drinking Water by Nanofiltration Technology. Environmental Engineering Research. 22(3), 329-338. JCR三区, IF=2.51

(14). 葛四杰, 吴芳, 张立秋, 封莉. 纳滤膜去除水中微量药物萘普生效能的影响因素研究. 膜科学与技术2013, 33(6): 92-96.

(15). 葛四杰, 曲丹, 张立秋, 封莉. RONFMD去除水中五种微量药物的效能研究. 膜科学与技术, 2013, 33(3): 75-80.

(16) Zhang, J., Dong, B., Ding, D., He, S.L., Ge, Sijie., 2021. Removal efficiency and mechanism of bio-treated coking wastewater by catalytic ozonation using MnO2 modified with anionic precursors. Environmental Engineering Research, 26(5): 26-33. JCR三区, IF=2.51

(17) Zhang, J., Dong, B., Liu, J., Yang, W.X., Ge, Sijie., He, S.L., 2021. The Role of Mn Doping on Ce-Based γ-Al2O3 Catalysts for Phenol Degradation. Environmental Engineering Science. DOI: //doi.org/10.1089/ees.2020.0494, JCR四区, IF=1.91

(18) Sun, Y., Tian, L.J., Liu, B.K., Chen, F.L., Ge, Sijie., 2021. Photocatalytic Destruction of Gaseous Benzene Using Mn/I-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalytic Under Visible Light. Environmental Engineering Science. DOI: //doi.org/10.1089/ees.2021.0093. JCR四区, IF=1.91

(19). Chen, F.L., Tian, L.J., Liu, B.K., Ge, Sijie., Sun,Y., 2021. Investigation on the Gaseous Benzene Removed by Photocatalysis Employing TiO2 Modified with Cobalt and Iodine as Photocatalyst under Visible Light. Environmental Technology. DOI: //doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2021.1912833. JCR二区, IF=3.25

(20). Tian, L.J., Xing, L., Shen, X.L., Li, Q.H., Ge, Sijie., Liu, B.K., 2020. Visible light enhanced Fe–I–TiO2 photocatalysts for the degradation of gaseous benzene. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(1), 179-185. JCR二区, IF=4.35

(21). Wu, Z.H., Lei, S.G., Lu, Q.Q., Bian, Z.F., Ge, Sijie., 2020. Spatial distribution of the impact of surface mining on the landscape ecological health of semi-arid grasslands. Ecological Indicators, 111, 105996. JCR一区, IF= 4.96


(1). Ge Sijie., Wang, S. J., Zhang, J., Xu, Q.*, T. C. Ho, “Modeling and Simulation for Regional Ozone Impact by Flaring Destruction and Removal Efficiency of Oil & Gas Industries”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2018, 44: 2185-2190. (ISTP收录)

(2). Ge Sijie., Wang, S. J., Xu, Q.*, T. C. Ho, “Air-quality Conscious Scheduling for Multi-Plant Turnaround Operations”, Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC 2017, paper #47, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 2017.

l  科研项目


[1] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金6. 2020QN11.“乙烯装置生产过程VOCs排放规律与特征研究”2020.1-2021.12. 主持,已结题.

[2] 中国博士后面上一等资助12. 2019M650131. 烯烃化工厂火炬过程气态污染物排放特征及作用机制研究”2019.07-2021.06. 主持,已结题.

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目60. 51974314. “过硫酸盐联合微生态菌系原位修复多环芳烃污染土壤作用机理及调控” 2020.01-2023.12. 在研,参与.

l  教学工作


l  指导的已经毕业的研究生

l  在读研究生

l  学术兼职

[1] 中国环境科学学会会员

[2] 美国化学工程师协会会员

[3] 国际SCI期刊审稿人: Journal of Membrane Science, Atmospheric Environment; Atmospheric Research; Environmental Pollution; Atmospheric Pollution Research, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Catalysis Today等。